Why You Need a GOOD Website!

Why You Need a GOOD Website!

In 2014, the first thing a prospective customer will do is “Google you”.  In today’s digital age, we get our information via the internet; the times of opening up the phonebook or simply asking a friend are long-gone.  Sure, word-of-mouth is still a viable way to grow a business, but what if you’re in a niche market like home health and house calls (rapidly becoming the cornerstones of geriatric medicine)?  Chances are, you don’t know anyone who’s used a house call group, so your next best option is to turn to a search engine - such as Google or Yahoo - for help.

If your company doesn’t have a website, you could be losing out to competitors who do.  If done correctly, your site will not only add credibility to your business, but will also save you time and money by reducing administrative and personnel needs.  I have seen these valuable impacts firsthand through my clients at CHS, whom I’ve assisted with full digital marketing solutions, including websites.  

A modern website should be professional, clean, easy to navigate, and informative.  Having a website is one thing; having a good website is another.  While a website can add credibility to your business, it can also make you lose credibility if done improperly.  Some easy tips for creating an effective website are:

  • Hire a professional.  I know this sounds like a shameless plug, but it’s true.  No matter how great your best friend thinks your design abilities are, it’s still best to leave it to the professionals; particularly ones who are familiar with your specific industry.  Additionally, a design professional can establish a clean, clear image for your company.  This is a process that's in the details: what are your colors; what are the codes for those colors so you keep it consistent across formats?  Companies used to spend thousands of dollars trying to perfect their image.  The good news is that, like most things, technology has found a way to streamline this process - cutting costs for the client while establishing their brand identity.  

  • Less is more.  Don’t fill your site with redundant information strewn across multiple pages.  Make it easy to navigate, try to minimize the amount of text, and give your customers what they want!

  • Add some real value to your site.  Most websites have a little information about the company along with general contact information.  Go beyond the basics and add value to your site.  One thing I always add for my clients is an online referral form, which allows your referral sources to request services right from your website.  This is the type of content that will keep your customers coming back, while also saving you time and money in the form of reduced man hours.

  • Search engine optimization (commonly known as SEO)!  I know the SEO bandwagon is pretty full right now, but it really is important.  If you don’t use the right keywords and structure your site correctly, it will get lost in cyberspace.  Having your site appear on the first page of a Google search does not happen by accident - it takes a lot of know-how!

  • Last but not least - social media.  Social media isn’t going anywhere and Facebook isn’t just for sending Candy Crush requests.  If you own a business, social media can be a great way to spread the word about what you do.  Link your social media accounts to your website for extra exposure.  Every “like” really does count!

And that’s our quick look into why your company needs a website!  And if you don’t have a site, or need to revamp your current one, I know just the folks to call.  :)

Happy designing,
