Leggo my Logo
In our last blog post, we discussed how important it is for a new house call practice to choose a name that sets it apart from a growing number of companies with similar names. While having a unique name is important, just as important is creating a distinct logo. A logo is a visual representation of the company and, in the house call industry, it can be very easy to slip into the world of houses with stethoscopes. Logos aren’t necessarily just a visual interpretation of a name or an industry signifier ... they can be many different things, just as long as they are memorable.
Less is more. It sounds cliche, but a simple logo is often much better than one trying to include the kitchen sink. There are many times when a logo needs to be printed on a small area, so having a simple, recognizable logo is better than something that is illegible when printed on a promotional product like a pen. Some of the biggest companies have very simple logos. Take a look at beverage giants Coca Cola and Pepsi, for example. Coke’s text logo and Pepsi’s 2-color orb are great examples of simple logos that are instantly recognizable.
Color is another important factor to think about when creating a logo. It seems that healthcare companies have elected blues and greens as their colors of choice ... I think it’s time to look at the rest of the color spectrum and get creative. You may know that certain colors are said to evoke specific responses and emotions. Blue, for example, is said to be a calming color and green is supposed to represent tranquility and health. At the same time, blue is also said to be frigid while green is associated with envy and greed. It’s time to start thinking about other colors like purple, which represents wisdom and spirituality, or brown, which conveys security and trust. Reds, browns, yellows, purples - pick a color that will stand out when you’re at that industry conference surrounded by a sea of blue and green.
Just remember that a logo doesn’t have to be so literal. It doesn’t have to look like everyone else's in the industry. Your logo should be something that you enjoy looking at. It should be simple and recognizable. And it shouldn’t be blue or green! (Just kidding, it can totally be blue or green.)